New Questions Answered
Air Date: September 15, 2022
#1 Message: Hi Jeffrey!
Hoping this finds you happy and healthy. I've been spreading the word about you to my students and they love your podcast.
Gin Hammond
#2 My agency recommended me not to send my demo reel to casting directors.
(It is shown on her website).
What do you think about it?
Best regards
Asi itzhaki
#3 I just listened to your re your recent podcast. I appreciated your clarity in regard to the seven steps CD’s use when auditioning. And the point you made about actors receiving audition requests for other roles and opportunities/projects by a particular casting director is the best feedback an actor may want in their audition. :) Jeffrey Grover
#4 First Name: Marc
Last Name: Johnson
Message: I'd love to receive more information about voice overs—like how does one get into the industry, and what are some tips I could use to market myself?
#5 First Name: George
Last Name: Garber
Message: I am a thatrical voice coach and use your tips with my students. Thanks so much for your creative and charming podacasts!
#6 First Name: Annayih
Last Name: Cuevas
Message: Hello, I'm 15 and I want to be an actor for Netflix. I always wanted to be an actress some people told me it wasn't for me. but i think it is!
#7 Greetings Jeffrey,
I have some N.Y.
credits from theatres that no longer exist due to finances, the Pandemic, etc. Should I remove them as I update my resume, or keep them as some of the roles were of good size.