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Questions and Answers

The success of this podcast is due to the comments, feedback and letters from

listeners. There have been a flurry of actors reaching out to either comment or ask a question or even share their successes! Ok. It may seem like an ego massage, but let’s face it, we could all use some positive strokes. This episode of Casting Actors Cast is all about communication to and for each other. Questions and answers. Coming right up!

First Name: Sandra

Message: I absolutely love your kind and encouraging podcasts!

Thank you for YOU!!

First Name: Drake


Message: Please tell me how to find the best acting classes. I live in the mid-west and having a hard time figuring out what would be the best for me this Summer. Any Ideas?

First Name: Mark

Message: Love the show! It’s already helped me get my acting career back on track after a long hiatus. I’m getting work like never before. Thanks for the great tips and advice!

First Name: Janet

Message: Thank you so much for your service and dedication to teaching actors how to master this new technical aspect to auditioning. You are so specific in your critique of the actor's self tape ( the technical as well as the acting portion) and manage to be both brutally honest and affirming at the same time! I love Casting Actors Cast.

I am currently signed with an agency in Orlando. My agent barely ever sends me emails concerning jobs, although when I started out she had me sign up with Casting Networks under their agency. The only emails I get are spam emails from Casting Networks and when I get emails from her they are general emails that state, for example, "You all have been requested to submit a self-tape for the Visit St Pete commercial. Please go on Casting Networks for self-tape instructions and Confirm or decline the request." General emails for a group of different talent.

I am very new to the industry and I want to succeed, it has been about 2 months and I haven't had a single job booked through this agency. Maybe I am doing something wrong or misunderstanding how this whole thing works but I figured that signing with an agency would mean an agent finds me jobs, I do an audition, and then either I get the role or not. I'm not really sure what to do at this point if I should terminate the contract and sign with another agency or maybe talk to my agent but this was not what I thought having an agent would be like. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me some advice on how to handle this situation.

Thank you in advance,


Hi Jeff,

I'm absolutely loving your recent podcast episode about Networking. I hope you hear from every actor for whom the episode is a helpful listen, it is so much-needed at times like this.

A year ago you gave me some great feedback on a self-tape I submitted, and I'm really pleased to report that that feedback (change my wardrobe and stand off-center) helped me book my first TV job!! I premiered last month on the History Channel's Food That Built America as one of the founders of Arby's. It's right at the top of my new reel! (

Thanks again for all the work you're doing on the podcast and the help you give actors. A close friend of mine, Sierra Wells, raved about your on-camera class at Growing Studio and I'm hoping to get in the classroom with you soon.

All the best,


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